Home > $68!


August 17th, 2007 at 07:51 pm

The translation they sent yesterday night will bring $68! - woo-hoo!...
just a short lease contract, and it took me about 2-3 hours....I could hear their minds going ca-ching! when they asked me if I worked nights and I said "Yes"....most people will not work on a document received after 6...but then again, this is my 2nd job...and, mostly, I start working on it at 8:05pm, right after DD is put to bed (8:00pm is her bed-time!)

4 Responses to “$68!”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    That is great!

  2. frugalhousewife Says:

    Wonderful! It sounds like the translations are really helping you out.

  3. miclason Says:

    Yes! someone once said: it doesn't keep my head above water, but it sure is a longer snorkel! LOL!
    I can't even live paycheck to paycheck...that's scary!...but, it's getting there...

  4. Amber Says:

    That is great, I am happy for you Smile

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