Home > Need to buy

Need to buy

August 13th, 2007 at 08:21 pm

baking soda
powdered cocoa

...ah, yes, time to start baking cookies every weekend! (not that we didn't during Ale's vacation, we just didn't do it EVERY weekend!)

2 Responses to “Need to buy”

  1. pearlieq Says:

    Yummy! What kind of cookies?

  2. miclason Says:

    all kinds!!...chocolate, banana, orange...I want to try my grandmother's honey cake recipe (I love it, but don't know if Ale will like's a kind of gingerbread, really)...I found this book called Homemade Cookies, it has tons of recipes... fancy ones, easy ones (the ones we're trying!), cookies in large quantities (think 200-400!!), Christmas cookies...

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