Home > A it need or want??

A it need or want??

August 7th, 2007 at 09:18 pm

we certainly don't use one everyday, but, there's some stuff we have been unable to do (replace 3 light-bulbs in our house...2 of which are in the staircase!) because no-one is able to reach it!'s also a problem whenever we paint walls...
I'd say it is a need, because most of the time we stand on stools or chairs or get very creative when changing lightbulbs and, although we've been lucky so far, it IS a security issue....
what has made me put it in the want section is the price (the one we need would cost about $80...)
HEY!!! scored!!!...I called the other admin and, she has an old ladder...which she just "donated" me!...I'm supposed to go pick it up on Friday (after the painters are gone!)

2 Responses to “A it need or want??”

  1. fern Says:

    "Ask and ye shall receive."

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yeah, I would think it's a need as well... maybe a low-priority need... depending on your need. Big Grin

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