Home > cooking fish for the holidays!

cooking fish for the holidays!

August 2nd, 2007 at 04:39 pm

well...I have discovered that, by some miracle, I still have some $$, rather than spend it on pizza and soda, I'm going to buy fish and cook it...we all love fish, but don't have it as often as we like, since it's so expensive (about $4.50/lb) it'll be a nice treat for all!..I've already chosen the recipe!!

5 Responses to “cooking fish for the holidays!”

  1. Kikee Says:

    May I inquire as to which holiday you will be celebrating? At first it struck me as odd since in the US there are no federal holidays in August, but then I saw that you don't live in the US. :-)

  2. miclason Says:

    it's a 3 day holiday in honor of our Patron Saint: The Saviour of the World (since the country is named El Salvador)... and because I live in the capital city: SAN Salvador, we get 1 more day!!...the city of Santa Ana, for example, had their patron saint festivities in July and, got 1 day holiday then, so people there will only get 3 days off now...(well, they would, except that the official dates are: August 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th and, this year the 4th and 5th are Saturday and Sunday...can you imagine what it's like when the 3rd falls on a Monday??) ...some people leave the country or they go to the beach, others to the mountains, some (like us!) stay here in the city...the festivities open with the mail parade (don't know why it's called that!) with floats and, of course, the Queen of the Festivities -elected a few days prior...and some traditional characters - la siguanaba, the devil, some people dressed as giants, the historiantes, who are dancers that perform the story of the conquest...there's a big fair...and, of course, for religious (Catholic) folks there's the procession, with the transfiguration (commonly known as La Bajada), where they carry a statue of Jesus atop a globe and, at some point the procession stops and the statue is lowered into the globe and when it is brought up again, they've changed its clothes and now it's dressed in white)..

  3. Schadenfreude Says:

    What recipe! I love fish but all I know to do is sautee on the stovetop and serve with rice. Boooooo-ring. And I do have a ton of frozen salmon filets just waiting to be transformed into something wonderful...

  4. miclason Says:

    well, this is a recipe for white fish, but it's basically marinated in orange juice, pepper, garlic and some salt, then baked in the oven...

  5. Kikee Says:

    WOW! I wish we would celebrate a patron Saint day here!! Especially since the town I live in actually has the word Saint in it!!! :-) Enjoy your long holiday weekend!!!!! :-)

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