Home > The fish tank!

The fish tank!

April 29th, 2007 at 07:42 pm

well, you've read about it, beware of "free" gifts, they might end up costing you $$...

We got a free tank from one of my had two ornaments and 2 plants, the filter, a lamp and a fish net...we had to buy sand and a glass to mount the lamp...while it wasnīt all too expensive, itīs still out of budget...($15)...we filled it and itīs working now...we are just waiting a whole day so we can move the fish (and our mermaid!) into it later today...we did not use bottled water, see, but used water that had been "sitting" in our pila for two days, so it should already be free of clorhine...we just want to make sure itīs 100% safe by waiting the customary 3 days before putting them in! looks so nice!!!...of course, Ale chose pink sand, and Clau wanted purple sand, so we bought 4lbs of each!...the guy at the store tried to get me to buy gray/tan sand, but, my poor fish are so gray themselves, they would be invisible in that!, the move is scheduled for tonight!....Iīm so excited!!!

2 Responses to “The fish tank!”

  1. littlemama Says:

    Fish are so relaxing. I know you will love them. Smile

  2. miclason Says:

    oh, yes!...we put the fishies in and turned on the light of the tank and then turned off the living room was truely a sight! fish even look bigger (thicker glass!) lol!

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