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why do things have to get complicated???

March 30th, 2007 at 08:44 pm

there are network problems and I cannot print...I NEED to print!!!...otherwise I cannot hand in the manager's travel expense reports!!! H E L P ! ! !....

I already called Help Desk...they are working on, the questino is: can they fix it in time???


5 Responses to “why do things have to get complicated???”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Uh, let's see....

    Is the power plugged in?
    Is it turned on?
    Is the ethernet cable or maybe the USB cable plugged in?
    Is the the cable properly connected to the network?
    Is the printer properly configured?
    Can you find the printer on the network at all?
    Is the printer jammed with paper somewhere?
    Is it out of paper?
    Is it out of toner?
    Can you use a different printer?

  2. monkeymama Says:

    Let me guess, you are in a big hurry too!

    Murphy's law. Wink

  3. newlyfrugal Says:

    Can you write the file to a PDF and then email it? Try Cute PDF writer (google it, it is free). Good luck! Would some one arrest this Murphy guy already?

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hahaha. Many have tried, but all have failed thus far I'm sure. He's not Murphy for nothing!

  5. miclason Says:

    well,things ended up being solved yesterday... it was a network printer and my computer was in CITYCTO server and the printer on APL06 server and, apparently, those two wereŽn`t talkin to each other Friday!!!...but, at last, something was done and it got fixed....I DID leave at 7:30pm, though!...and, not EVERYthing was taken care of...oh, well, I did my best!...very few things were left undone and most were listed as pending...and today I finished with the last one,which was sending a status report on a pilot test I was running (thank God for exchange email!!!)

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