Home > 35 Celsius!

35 Celsius!

March 12th, 2007 at 02:47 pm

We're frying! has been so hot this past weekend, that the fans have been on 24/7...and I still got a migraine from the heat!...and yesterday none of us could sleep...except Ale, who totally "disconnects" herself at night...and to think rainy season officially starts in May...and we may not even get scattered showers before mid-April....

2 Responses to “35 Celsius!”

  1. rduell Says:

    I hope your migraine gets better soon!

    I just happened to notice the temperature today when I was out was -1 celsius! Quite a difference there!

  2. Amber Says:

    Sorry, but it has been really nice here in FL...I know it won't last long.

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