between re-locating my files to fit the stuff for the office supply pilot test, and trying to catch up on 1 week of backlogged work at the same time, and running around to get all the info/tests I needed to deliver to the emb assy, I'm going nuts!, the space allocated for the office supplies is really not enough, so I have to re-locate my training materials (of which I shouldn't have as many as I do, but, one of our managers left recently and he found about 10 manuals and other odds and ends in his desk when cleaning up...all of which landed magically on my already cluttered desk!!)...the good news is: I already found the perfect filing cabinet for my materials...except currently it's full of old materials (we use to print a copy of everything for the trainers...we then decided it was way too much effort and now we upload it and have them download it into their laptops...and each downloads whatever modules s/he's teaching!)...we also have a longer session(2 days vs 1/2 day) to review all materials with them, to decide which materials need changing BEFORE they are printed!...
AND, I have to schedule the trainings for this year in my calendar and a reminder to send the purchase order to the printers 3 weeks in advance! (If I do leave, I would then just forward these "appointments" to the person in charge of trainings and then s/he can do it or, forward it to the next victim, er, admin assistant to take my place)...well, gotta go!
going crazy!
March 7th, 2007 at 03:50 pm