Home > I'm The One!

I'm The One!

February 22nd, 2007 at 03:05 am

the good news is: I'm the chosen candidate for the open position!!! yay!....

the bad news is: they take my current salary, without the $120/month bonus, as the basis for their salary negotioation!!... me no like!

Oh, well, I guess I have to wait until I hear from them again - if I ever make it out of the Ac celerated Improve ment W orkshop...we seem to be working from 8 through 6:30 every day...and, just to give you an idea, our morning break today was at 11:50am....and lunch was served at 1:00pm!)...more on that tomorrow, as it has been a very interesting experience and definetely worth blogging about!

6 Responses to “I'm The One!”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    ooooh, congratulations! just hope that they get the whole salary thing ironed out to your satisfaction.

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Congratulations, Neo! Wink
    I'd politely point out of how much in bonus you make.

  3. JanH Says:

    Congrats! Hope the salary thing works out.

  4. sarah Says:

    Make sure they understand that you can count on the 120 bonus every month and ask them to take it into acc Congratulations and good luck.

  5. scfr Says:

    Congratulations ... I hope it all works out with the salary. Don't be afraid to ask for more; the worst they can do is say no.

  6. Miclason Says:

    well, their offer is $4K/year higher than what I currently make...not a huge difference, but, still...of course, according to them itīs $6k more per year than what I currently make...I still have to investigate the income tax situation...(last time I worked for an intl org there was a law that said employees did not have to pay taxes on that income, so I REALLY need a tax expert....I think I know exactly who to I have to MAKE the time to call!)

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