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dream job!

February 18th, 2007 at 12:49 am

Ale told me yesterday that she wants her first job to be at a pupuseria...nanny has taught her how to make pupusas and, today Ale taught ME! (no, I had never done it before!)...she then asked me if the people that make pupusas make good money...I told her not the employees, but, maybe the restaurant owners...there´s a lady here that´s famous because she started selling on the side of the road and now has 3 or large restaurants, and they´re ALWAYS packed!

4 Responses to “dream job!”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Wow, I had to look that one up! So, they're like tortillas?

    The Chinese have two different varieties of fried doughs that are eaten often for breakfast. I still remember being a kid eating that back in Taiwan, and drinking sweetened soy milk with it. Quite an interesting memory....

    I'm sure she'll make a fine um pupuseria? Thanks for teaching me something new. Smile

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I did not know what they were either!!

  3. Miclason Says:

    LOL! sorry about that!...a pupusa is a very thick tortilla, which is filled with cheese, ground beans and/or ground pork rinds ....As Ale taught me yesterday, first you make a ball out of corn dough, then you make it into a flat circle , then you make that into a "nest" and put the filling in...then you "close" it into a little ball again and flatten it again with your hands and then ta-da! you have a pupusa, all ready to be cooked!

  4. Amber Says:

    Glad you posted what they were, because I was trying to think about it and no luck. Good luck to Ale, I am sure she really deosn't need luck

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