Home > Are you poor?

Are you poor?

February 12th, 2007 at 09:24 pm

The question took me completely by surprise!...I was just paying Ale's school and, since it was already 3:00pm, I popped in to say "Hi!" to her...and one of her classmates just shot it: Ar you poor?...No, why?...Alejandra said you were....Oh? well, we may not have money for luxuries but we sure aren't poor...

I guess I need to have a talk with Ale about this....I mean, how did she get this distorted view? we live in a small house in the wealthiest municipality in the country (true, it's not ours, it's a rental, and we share a household, but, still!)...we have a car, we have a nanny...and, while we don't have money to splurge, Ale can't exactly complain of NOT having "stuff" a matter of fact, she's the one that gets the most "stuff" at home...

I don't know, maybe kids have been talking about trips and cable and ipods and Xboxes???....I know for a fact that there are 3 kids in her class that have cellphones (?!...why would one give a cell phone to a 6 year old??!!)...and I know most of them have cable...Ale has also been asking whether only parents are allowed to have TV's in their rooms or whether some children have TV's of their own...Again, even if I HAD the money, I doubt it I'd want Ale to have her own "dumb box" in her room...

6 Responses to “Are you poor?”

  1. reginaastralis Says:

    Wow ... it's starts young, doesn't it?

    I personally don't understand the whole "a tv in every room" deal. My sister is nine and has had a tv in her room since she was two. WHY?!?! She also has a cellphone, though she is only supposed to use it when she is out in the neighborhood, if she goes to one of her other friends houses so my parents know where she is. This, especially in times like they are becoming, I ALMOST understand ... especially God forbid something were to happen to her.

    I'd ask your daughter if she was happy to have a mother who loved her, a good family, clothes on her back and food in her belly. Some kids aren't even lucky enough to have that. This is something I am praying to be able to teach Julie. Families make us rich, not things.

  2. Amber Says:

    You know this is a serious problem with children. I wonder some times if these parents who buy their kids all this BS (sorry) just to either keep up or say that my kids have this. I am one who does not believe in cell phones for children, especially since they can not pay the bill.

    I had a friend whose' 11 year old daughter gets $50 a week for allowance (crazy know) she has a computer in her room (which it is not age regulated) along with a DVD, VCR and T.V I mean come on. And to top it off for X-mas she got a $500 necklace and earring set

    I think people use the cell phone for safety reason as a joke I think it is more of a status thing, because as a parent you can give your kid your own phone if you dropping them off at a friend%u2019s or movie

    I agree with ale about her feelings, good luck

  3. mbkonef Says:

    I also am against kids having cell phones. My 16 yo DD still is not allowed to have one. Yes, it would be "safer" but she better always be where she says she is going to be anyway. We will get another family phone (my DH has one for work) that she can take when she starts to drive (in case of emergency only). I also find that it leads to an increased level of rudeness. My kids have had friends over whose parents just call the kids cell when they come to pick them up. No knocking on the door, etc., just call their kids and out goes their kid. Sorry, but I would like to meet both the friends and their parents. This way, I feel more comfortable if my child is spending time at their house. My kids say I am too old fashioned. If being polite and safe is old fashioned, I am all for it.

  4. miclason Says:

    LOL!...Ale is 6, I don't think she (or any of her friends) really need a cell phone get dropped off at school either by parents or by private transportation (we don't have school buses!)....same with pick up after school....due several well-known parental kidnappings here (and a murder of a little boy by his father's lover!!) schools require a list of "authorized" persons who could come pick up your child in case of an emergency....if a person is not listed, the child will NOT be released to that person, even if the child knows them and/or s/he can prove s/he is related to the child! in ES, when kids Ale's age go out to play, an adult generally tags along (either a parent or a nanny!)....especially if your parents grew up during the war (like me!)...we're still afraid of kidnappings!, at any given time Ale is "in custody" of someone that can contact me (or my sis or cousin, my "emergency" contacts)...once she's 10 or 12 and allowed to go to the movies with her friends or something, I can see the need, but not really before that...

    The TV in every room, I really don't understand that...I think the most TV's we ever had were 2: one in the family room and one in the room we shared with my sis....but, these were the days before cable and, we had very specific rules about TV shows/times we could watch it...

    Anyway, I spoke to Ale and, the reason she thinks we're poor is we don't have money to splurge...I explained to her that 1."stuff" doesn't make you rich...2. Even if we had money, we'd still have to watch what we do with it...

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    We have those walkie talkies with the 5 mile range on them. The kids take one with them whenever they go out in the neighborhood and I have the other one. They can call me if they need me and vice versa. On really bad weather days when we think there might be a school emergency closure we send the oldest to school with the walkie talkie in her backpack as the school is only 1.2 miles away. She keeps it shut off in her backpack but I keep mine on all day. So far we haven't needed to use it, but I feel better knowing she has it after the last big power outage fiasco. We tested it with DH in the school parking lot and me at home and it works just fine.

    As for poor, well "everyone" in Rose's class at school has cable or satellite TV, we are the only ones who don't, but we are not poor. We are scraping by, though. Of course, she wears all these Tommy Hilfiger, Gap, and Abercrombie and Fitch clothes so no one accuses her of being poor, but they were all perfect condition hand me downs from her older cousin who used to work at these stores so has a lot of them. They just think she is weird because TV does not rule our lives.

  6. Lux Living Frugalis Says:

    My 18 & 20 year olds JUST this past little bit (3-4 months) got tracfones! Mainly because they are just now starting to drive and I wanted them to have them in an emergency situation. No to the signing a contract for regular cell usage! It's ridiculous.

    At six? You'd have to be kidding me?

    Somebody gives their kid a $50 a week allowance??? EYE-KURUMBA!!

    I don't even give myself a $50 a MONTH allowance!! Sheesh!

    Ale is one lucky girl to have a Mom with a good head on her shoulders!!

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