Home > Ale lost a tooth!

Ale lost a tooth!

February 5th, 2007 at 11:49 pm

literally! fell off and she didn't even notice, so she was crying this morning because Raton Perez wasn't going to give her $$$ if she coulnd't produce a tooth!....

I told her I'd try to get a hold of Raton Perez and explain the situation...we've had this happen before and RAton Perez did leave her some money...just not as much as he does when there's a tooth in his box!

4 Responses to “Ale lost a tooth!”

  1. Amber Says:

    Is Raton Perez the same as our tooth fairy? Poor thing, hope she feels better

  2. JanH Says:

    We had that happen before....I think we left a note under the pillow. lol.

  3. miclason Says:

    yep...Raton Perez takes away your milk teeth that have fallen off and gives you $$$ for them...he makes jewelry out of the teeth....

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    my daughter must have swallowed her first tooth in her sleep. The tooth fairy made an appearance a little late as well. When one wants to believe...they will!!

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