Home > Ale has dengue fever again!

Ale has dengue fever again!

August 29th, 2006 at 11:34 pm

I hate mosquitoes! ...Ale apparently got bitten again and now she has dengue fever...she's at home, resting, getting about 1,001 medicines and gallons of electrolytes... Frown

6 Responses to “Ale has dengue fever again!”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    poor thing!!!! I hope she feels much better soon!!!

  2. Dido Says:

    Hope she gets better soon!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    I didn't know you could get that more than once. How awful!

  4. boomeyers Says:

    I'm sure you are exhausted too. Take care!!

  5. miclason Says:

    There are 3 different strains and each has 4 different subdivisions... Frown
    the danger is that once you've gotten one, the next one might develop into hemorragic dengue, which depletes your body of platelets until you start bleeding internally! ...the good news is, Ale seems to have caught a milder version than last time (or maybe we just caught it earlier!) because she's feeling well, is actually kind of perky and is requesting coloring books and the like...when last time all she did was complain of the pain and cry because she couldn't move! might also be that her defenses are higher now that she's older...whathever it is, I'm just happy she's not feeling "sick" this time!

  6. miclason Says:

    ha,ha,ha,ha!....NOOOOO I have to say: fever fever stay away!
    (we've managed to keep it at bay with electrolytes, Winasorb, Kiddieflu, Benadryl-- dengue gives you a rash!-- Cephalexin and massive doses of Vitamin C!)

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