Home > Ale wants to bake brownies....

Ale wants to bake brownies....

August 11th, 2006 at 06:12 pm

she asked very casually: we couldn't make brownies at home, could we? (we have made cookies and cakes...I stay away from brownies because my niece and I are both chocoholics and migraine sufferers, not a particularly happy mix!)... I told Ale Yes, we could...and she said: Don't tell me you have a brownie recipe??...I could get one...
Oooohhh, can we bake some, so I can take them to school??...
this might actually prove more expensive than buying them at school, if we have to pay for my headache pills --plus, I imagine she won't limit herself to just one, and I'm not sure I like that...will have to leave strict instructions with the nanny... but, we'll give it a try....

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