Home > The coolest bookcases

The coolest bookcases

August 9th, 2006 at 06:19 pm

I was just thinking the other day, we need more bookcases at home...and, I was thinking also about the bookcases we had when we were growing up...they were the coolest bookcases...

Dad brought home some pine wood boards and some concrete blocks, and just put 6 blocks on the floor (3 stacks of 2), spaced evenly, then a board, 6 more blocks, another board, then 6 more blocks, then the top board, then 3 blocks (as "toppers" to make the top board steady)...the real cool thing about this was:

1. you could change the whole look just by painting the blocks...(we never painted the boards, and they weren't varnished or tinted, either)
2. the tiers (?) had enough space even for the tallest books/magazines, like our Animal World collection...
3. You could put ornaments on that top board!
4. You could hide boxes underneath the first board...we used this one mostly for our LP's (gasp!) and stuff like that...

The one bad thing, though, is they tended to "walk" during earthquakes...although, come to think of it, if they had been "true" bookcases, they might have fallen on top of either of us!

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