Home > Delicious!


July 31st, 2006 at 11:02 pm

I bought 3 eggplants on Saturday, just because they looked so nice...I had never cooked eggplant, but looked up some recipes and, decided on an eggplant lasagna...
it turned out YUMMY!...even my sister (who's no fan of eggplant) loved it...for $6 I made enough for 9 portions (but, with everyone having seconds, it is already gone! fed 3 people yesterday, and there was just enough left over so sis and I could each take 1 portion for lunch!)...this is definetely worth repeating!

1 Responses to “Delicious!”

  1. campfrugal Says:

    I have never had eggplant either. Maybe you can post the recipe and we can all try it. Yum.

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