Home > Teaching Ale to crochet

Teaching Ale to crochet

July 21st, 2006 at 11:57 pm

...I read someplace that learning to crochet is good exercise to improve your, I brought up the idea with Alejandra and SHE LOVED IT!...I told her we'd begin once she and I were on vacation, but, she insisted so much, I started teaching her yesterday!!...
she's so enthusiastic about it, she tried to do a couple of stitches on her own today while I was in the shower! is a less than perfect chain so far, but she's getting the hang of it! Smile

1 Responses to “Teaching Ale to crochet”

  1. Lady Jennelle Says:

    That's a wonderful thing to be teaching a child,

    it's something that she'll be able to enjoy and to make use of for years to come! Smile

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