Home > $10 for my $20 challenge

$10 for my $20 challenge

July 21st, 2006 at 08:18 pm

I sold some tickets to the Museum, and got $10, rather than deduct them from our Entertainment budget, I'll put these towards my $20 challenge, since it's cash!...

2 Responses to “$10 for my $20 challenge”

  1. Lady Jennelle Says:

    Good job with saving the $10.00! Smile

    I am wondering what the $20.00 challenge is 'cuz I see many people have it on their blogs but no idea what it's for? *lol*



  2. miclason Says:

    There was a thread in the forums...not sure where...
    basically, you start out with $20 for investment and try to make that grow...either by saving or by making additional money in ways you hadn't thought of before...(like me giving English lessons or doing translations) decide what your original $20 go for (in my case, legal documentation requested by the school where I was teaching and gas for the first month, some other people have bought materials to make crafts to sell, others have bought things to be resold at a profit, etc)...some people do couponing and add what they have saved to their challenge...
    In my case, my goal is $4,000 by 31/dec/06....because that is what my car cost...and this was an "unbudgeted" expense (the old one was supposed to last at least one more year!)

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