Home > grocery shopping --not bad!!

grocery shopping --not bad!!

July 17th, 2006 at 12:36 am

my grocery bill was $ goal is $70 or less...if you take into account that I didn't NEED the hair dye, which I bought 2 of because they were $2.75 (vs normal price $4.76!) and, that my niece also included 2 boxes, which she has vowed to repay next week (she's going to be in an ad, and will get $100 for it), then my "normal" total would have been $11 less ($65!!! -- on budget!!)...and, if niece DOES pay (and I'll make sure she does!), I get $5.50 back! that the actual price for my groceries will be $70.50....$0.50 above budget...I can live with that! Smile

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