Home > Angel -part III/ It's the attitude!

Angel -part III/ It's the attitude!

July 6th, 2006 at 02:36 am

I realized yesterday night (we both had to work late due travel arrangements for different people) that the thing with the other admin and I is a difference in attitude....she had a quarrel with people from travel earlier that day and so, no matter how desperately she kept asking for help, there was none to be had...(can't say I blame them, she called them inept in an email!)...while I, too think they leave MUCH to be desired, whenever I need their help I practically beg for answers...when I sent the email explaining the problem and the reason for the urgency, they called me and told me how to solve it (temporary solution, we still need to fix the problem, but, hey, the person can/will travel on Friday, which is what we needed...we then have 1 week to keep working on a permanent solution!)...and, these people have never seen me, so, no, it can't be the looks!

--in her defense, she works a lot more with them, so that means they have a lot more opportunities to stress HER out!

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