Home > Such a brat!

Such a brat!

July 4th, 2006 at 09:19 pm

It went just as I expected...he's acting as if he were the offended party! one point, he was slouching in his chair and my cousin said: sit up straight...his answer: I can't help it, I'm sleepy! ((said with an attitude,not in a nice way!))...
When I left she was in her car, and he was standing next to the passenger side of it, with his door open, but visibly arguing with her!...I imagine he was scolding her for putting him through all that!...I hope he says something stupid enough to make her mad enough to react!!...In the meantime, I have to cough up $300 today and $100/month for the next 7 least they didn't include any interest on the money!
...OH, and I made it VERY clear that HE DOES owe me interest...same interest as the highest card and, until HE repays me, and even 3 years after the day he finally does, I have EVERY right to remind him 24 times a day --if I want to-- that he made those phone calls on MY line and damaged MY credit!

Latest update: what he did was get out of the car and get lost for a couple of hours...he just returned home...of course, my cousin was already worried...(which I imagine was his intended purpose!) ...some days I feel like punching him...but others I just feel like slapping her into her senses!

2 Responses to “Such a brat!”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    TIme for tough love. I am so glad you stood up for yourself. You get that money back for yourself. Geez! Reading about this got me angry! I can only imagine how annoyed you are!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Me too!!

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