Home > Off to the lawyers!

Off to the lawyers!

July 4th, 2006 at 07:42 pm

I also printed a spreadsheet with all my fixed and variable expenses -- including debt repayment-- for my nephew...I'm going to put this in front of him and let him "decide" what I should stop paying/cut to pay for HIS calls...then I'm going to ask him to explain to me WHY he thinks it's fair that I do that in order to pay for phone calls I didn't make! (obviously, the answer is going to be a great big "I'm the wounded party here" silence, but...)

I'm chocking with anger right now!

2 Responses to “Off to the lawyers!”

  1. ima saver Says:

    Are you really going to the lawyers??

  2. miclason Says:

    yep...if not, I have to go pay the company directly (to extract the same deal!) and, at least the lawyer will give that to me in WRITING!...also, that keeps them from docking my pay!

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