At the new school they have a small store where they sell food and snacks...
Ale will be staying there for lunch, which means I'll have to pack a snack and a lunch for her...I have been thinking about givin her a small allowance ($2.50/week)...she can decide whether she spends it all on one day or whether she uses a bit every day...($2 seems adequate since that would be $0.50/day...)...she has never really managed money on her own...apart from when I let her buy her own stuff at the marketplace or at the flea-market...but I'm always around to see that at least they give her her change right and stuff like that!...
Yesterday, I gave her $0.50 for school...and, she told me "Mom, I was lucky that I found something that I wanted to buy and it only cost $0.25, because I lost the other coin you gave me..." ...(EEk!) I told her it was a shame that she had lost the other coin, because she could have 1. used it to buy something else some other day or 2. bought some more of whatever it is she liked at school...I told her she should be more careful with money...but, unless I GIVE her some, how can she really learn to take care of it??...
So, this is the plan: Starting August, Ale gets $2.50/week...if she's responsible with it (doesn't lose the money, manages to save some), then in 3 months she can get $3.00) if not, she'll have to wait longer to get "a raise"...
Considering an allowance for Ale
May 26th, 2006 at 05:05 pm
May 26th, 2006 at 05:29 pm 1148660989
Ale will certainly enjoy having a little spending money!! I can still remember (way too many years ago to mention) having my nickel for milk..or even better, my dime for orange juice at school!!
I bet Ale is excited!
May 26th, 2006 at 05:42 pm 1148661750
May 26th, 2006 at 06:10 pm 1148663409
I think the sooner a child learns the value of money, the better.
May 26th, 2006 at 06:14 pm 1148663645
Once I get my financial situation in order, I'm going to start saving for a house again...Ale wants one with 3 for me, one for herself, one "for Mary and Jesus"...she wants a SHRINE in our house, where people can come and talk to Jesus...I guess she really IS a Catholic!, a 3-bedroom house it is!
May 26th, 2006 at 09:31 pm 1148675472
May 26th, 2006 at 09:55 pm 1148676935