Home > Just call me Miracle-maker!!

Just call me Miracle-maker!!

May 18th, 2006 at 02:08 am

I managed to finsih the presentation on the feedback forms today! of 10am, I was still missing 7(out of 36) forms, but, I managed to get them!...I also made the paperwork for 6 payments, made 1 flight reservation, paid the telephone (for one of the expat houses) during my lunch hour, typed up a letter and faxed it...scanned 3 documents...made a deposit in the bank...helped one of the analysts with info he needed to request internet access (very few people organizationwide have access)...updated a file ref status of requisition for laptops from our unit (total of 3 requisitions, for 1, 2 and 7 laptops = 10 total)...realized last requisition (submitted by the other admin) overlapped with the second one (submitted by me...we need to work on our communication!)...went around the dept to see if there was something that might make it OK...and found it! (2 analysts have REALLY old laptops that should have been replaced at least 6 months ago!)...resent info to my boss so he can complain about 1. requisition #1 being submitted in FEb, with laptop in customs for over a month now!!! ...#2 being late already...#3 -they haven't even issued the purchase order, eventhough he authorized the laptops on 21/april!!...
Did some other vague stuff that I don't believe provided much value...

See? I'm getting better at recognizing my own contributions!

2 Responses to “Just call me Miracle-maker!!”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    You were on a roll! What a busy, eventful day! Hope you get to relax tonight because of it!

  2. markio26 Says:

    i love the days when i accomplish many tasks... good job.

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