Home > woo-hoo! The co-op deposited the $$ today!!

woo-hoo! The co-op deposited the $$ today!!

April 28th, 2006 at 01:31 am

This means: I almost have a car now!!! woo-hoo!!! feels sooooo great!!..No more rides!!!, I need to work on my $20 challenge to be able to reach that $4,000 goal by 31-dec-06!!

2 Responses to “woo-hoo! The co-op deposited the $$ today!!”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    YOU GOT YOUR CAR???? Woo-hoo!!!! You must be on TOP of the world right now!!! Enjoy your new mode of transportation!!

  2. miclason Says:

    well...I still don't have the car....the license plates have to be requested...but, they should be done by next week...but I already have the money to pay for the car....

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