Home > CC "lost" payment - update IV

CC "lost" payment - update IV

April 28th, 2006 at 01:42 am

The $170 appear credited to my account now...dated 15-Mar-06, too!!

Case closed! I'm happy now!!

This definetely has been a good day for finances!!!

(oh, and this is entry No 69 categorized as progress, vs 66 categorized as setbacks!!...the scale seems to be tipping in the right direction!!...)

2 Responses to “CC "lost" payment - update IV”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'm glad this has finally been settled for you. What a relief it must be to be done with it and good for you for not going away quietly and letting them get away with it.

  2. markio26 Says:

    way to go! always speak up for your rights.. even if you are in the wrong sometimes.. congrats! great job!

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