Home > CC "lost" payment - update II

CC "lost" payment - update II

April 26th, 2006 at 04:36 pm

So, as of Monday (24/apr), I'm contacting the bank at least once a day. Today, I got an email from the executive stating that, it has been more difficult than normal to find the payment because it was applied to a closed account (?? shouldn't that make it EASIER to find?)...anyway, I sent her a copy of the cheque - front and back, where it shows that my bank released the $$ to them! - to help her find the payment...Now, she made the awful mistake of including the words "I'll get in touch with you once this is resolved",no, lady...I'LL be in touch with you UNTIL this is resolved!!...I'll be on her case until she decides it's better to find that payment than to put up with me!!

4 Responses to “CC "lost" payment - update II”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    The squeeky wheel really does get the grease....SQUEEK...and squeek persistently until it is resolved!! Good luck!

  2. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Forget Squeeking! Shout like you are MAD as HELL. You provided proof of payment and this is the nonsense you get. I'd speak to the highest supervisor I could get a hold of on the phone, I would write and call the corporate offices, and finally I would contact any governmental agencies that deal with sort of issue. The nerve of those people!

    Sorry. I have gone through this before with some companies. It just gets on my last nerve that people get treated in this fashion!

  3. miclason Says:

    Oh, don't worry...if this is not found by the end of the month, I;m going to the Secretariat for Consumer Defense!

  4. Amber Says:

    Good for you as you know I am fight with the bank regarding an NSF charge of $25.00 this time I am going into the bank and the BBB has been contacted

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