Home > Should I cry or should I laugh??

Should I cry or should I laugh??

April 25th, 2006 at 06:32 pm

I'll laugh...

I sent a message to the "generic e-mail" requesting information on a very important payment that HAD to be done on April 21st (else we would lose our reservations for a very popular venue for THE main training of the year!)...
this was back on Tuesday....on Thursday, I called accounting directly and got the information from them (this is against procedure!) that the deposit was already authorized and would go through...Now, my message stated very clearly that we were at risk of losing the venue, right??...guess when they answered me...I got a message on MONDAY AFTERNOON, asking me to provide the invoice number so they could check on the status of payment...
If I had waited, that would have been too late!! ((sigh))...and then they wonder why we (my unit) never follow procedures!! (We'd never get anything done!!)

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