Home > ...Our computer is having problems...

...Our computer is having problems...

April 25th, 2006 at 10:53 pm

and, our IT guy (at home) wants to reformat it...he says we'll lose all our info!!!...our IT guy at the office says: huh??....((sigh))

solved! thank God for conference calls! Wink ...we should be getting our computer back tonight!

2 Responses to “...Our computer is having problems...”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I hope all your info is safe. Sometimes I curse the day I bought a comouter. Then again without a computer I would not be a blog writer/reader. Oh well good luck!Smile

  2. miclason Says:

    LOL! I have backups of's my niece and my sister that only keep files in the harddrive!!....

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