Home > Income tax return - update II

Income tax return - update II

April 25th, 2006 at 10:28 pm

((sigh)) I just called the Ministry and, they tell me there is no correction to the state of my donations (they appear still as if they haven't been declared by the foundation)...Since the number I called is supposed to be "taxpayer counseling", I asked what I should do...their advice? ...modify MY declaration to exclude the donations...this makes me angry...this is NOT a solution (it is, in the sense that then I'd get my money back, but, it isn't in the sense that I don't feel I should have to modify my declaration. My declaration is right, why should I modify it??).......AAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!

1 Responses to “Income tax return - update II”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I read your posts...and I feel for you...there are so many frustrations and red tape there in ES....I guess we are spoiled here in the US on many levels...Not to compare our countries...just frustrations that you go through routinely that Ive never had to even think about... Frown

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