Home > The bank exec called!!!

The bank exec called!!!

April 20th, 2006 at 04:34 pm

Says they told her the application had been approved...she submitted it for $4,000 but she still doesn't know if the whole amount was approved!...

I'll keep you posted!!!

5 Responses to “The bank exec called!!!”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    I've just been reading through your latest entries. Your little girl is cute, and the dog is lovely.

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I am keeping my fingers crossed here in Oregon for you!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Yay! I hope it goes through!

  4. dmontngrey Says:

    Well it's a start in the right direction. Congrats on getting this far! I wish you the best in the rest of the process.

  5. markio26 Says:

    great! it is a good beginning!!! congrats for the effort!!

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