Home > $3.30 a gallon??

$3.30 a gallon??

April 20th, 2006 at 06:13 pm

Wow!...I noticed this today as we went by the gas station in our neighborhood...AND, this is without the newest increase, because prices get changed on Fridays here!!...((faint))

4 Responses to “$3.30 a gallon??”

  1. Amber Says:

    Wow you're luck prices only change on Friday's it changes every hour on the hour here. We're now at $2.96 from $2.92 this morning

  2. Ima Saver Says:

    Ours change every hour too, mine is $3.09 a gallon, high test!

  3. markio26 Says:

    i am turning all of mypoints into shell gas cards... i obtain them in $10 gc's.
    it helps and we are car pooling with several ppl. gas prices are awful in ohio too.

  4. kristina moffitt Says:

    teh station near my house is 306 for the cheapest but i found it for 279 on my way to dinner. Thank go the that cheap gas station web page. i just check what is near where i am going so as not to drive out of my way.

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