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no answer from procurement!

April 19th, 2006 at 11:41 pm

we ordered a laptop on Feb 19th...supposed to arrive here on April 05....we are still waiting...apparently, they requested the cheque to clear customs on Arpil 10th...and it still hasn't been issued...
what bugs me is this: they implemented this new e-procurement system so that things go more fluently, but, in reality, what it means is I cannot ask a live human being about my purchase orders because I get barked at to: CHECK THE SYSTEM or Contact the (generic) email, NO ONE IS REALLY ACCOUNTABLE!...Can you tell I hate it??

I sent an email (no phone # provided) to Supplier Assistance this morning, and, still haven't received an answer!!!...I'm all for new systems and stuff like that, as long as it DOES mean an it is, I feel the only thing this new system does is prevent me from actually calling someone to push this order!!...

((sigh))...And I still have another order for 2 more laptops that are supposed to arrive on May 5!!

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