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I called the school for Ale!

April 19th, 2006 at 07:01 pm

I called today to find out what the next steps are to enroll her...
I need to go and fill out an application and pick up some new information and leave a deposit to guarantee the space... They will let me know when I have to deliver the money to purchase the books she'll use...
I still have to decide what happens if, when tested, it turns out she should be in first grade as opposed to preparatoria...I lean more towards having her start in prepa, though, because school here goes to grade 11 now, instead of 12 (as it was back when I was at school) and, I don't know if I want Ale at University at 16!! ((faint!))...My niece will be out of school at 17, starting University at 18 and, I feel she's still a bit immature as it is...then again, maturity doesn't always go hand in hand with age...but still ...decisions, decisions, decisions!

1 Responses to “I called the school for Ale!”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    I was only 17 and a half when I started University and I stayed on untl the end of high school. I'm one of the youngest in my class. Now that I'm at University I don't think that age matters, although the average age in my class seems to be about 23. 16 is really young though.

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