Home > The mystery of the missing chocolate bunny

The mystery of the missing chocolate bunny

April 17th, 2006 at 04:11 pm

Ale got two eggs and a chocolate bunny on Sunday morning...she ate one egg, gave one to her cousin and, the chocolate bunny she gave to me (as a present, so we could share it)...after breakfast, she wanted to eat some chocolate but, THE BUNNY HAD VANISHED!!...we don't know where it is!!...we highly suspect Fiona, but, the egg was on my nightstand, which is crammed with bottles and whatnots...and nothing seems to have been disturbed (there were no toppled bottles or anything!), if it was Fiona, there should be some evidence, right? (paw prints on my sheets, blond hairs on my pillow...the WRAPPER...)
This is a total mystery!

1 Responses to “The mystery of the missing chocolate bunny”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Maybe the Easter Bunny changed his/her mind???

    Just kidding...

    Highly suspect is the four legged furry friend...I know my lab is notorius for chocolate thievery!

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