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Application sent...back to waiting!

March 3rd, 2006 at 04:30 pm

Ok, I sent in my application...I know if they are truly as deeply Catholic as they are said to be, a couple of things there will stand out...still, the worse that can happen is that they won't hire me...

Now, I was thinking (because another friend now has been asking around and told me that the friend of a friend - small city!- works there, and that she gets 50% off the tuition for her second kid, but that has to pay full for the eldest...)...what would I do if they did offer me the same salary as here, but NOT offered Ale's tuition??...or offered only half, which is still astronomical -imo- as the FULL tuition is ~$4K/year, plus the admittance bonus which is almost $2K!!....
You know what? I'd probably take it anyway! (I just wouldn't send my daughter there!)...I mean, the working hours would be infinitely better (say 7:30- 3 - let's say to 4) as opposed to 8-6...I'd still be able to find a second job, say from 5-7 and would be able to spend more time with Ale...

Dreams are free, aren't they??

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