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job interviews

September 30th, 2005 at 12:23 am

Well, I answered an ad placed by an employment agency and went in for an interview... I feel it went rather well, and that the guy doing the interview was impressed...I particularly feel that he thought he could get a good comission (they get paid based on the salary of the person being hired!) so that gives me hope...that was on Tuesday...then, yesterday, I got a call from the US Embassy to come in for testing regarding an application that I had sent a couple of weeks ago...I think I did well on the tests...One was a General Services one, with several questions on things like taking stuff out of customs, local labor laws, etc...and, although I found a couple of the questions a bit difficult, seeing how the other applicants seemed to have a hard time answering - and seeing that they found the English test hard, and I didn't - I think I might have an advantage...The only thing is, after we had finished the General SErvices test, a woman came in for the English test...and she was wearing an Embassy id badge...she already works there! - internal applicants have preference, of course...but, then, she is pregnat and due next week (she told someone else in the group), so, unless she's planning on a very early return to work, or they are planning on waiting for her to come back from maternity leave (3 months), I think I am still a good candidate...
We'll would be a dream come true...the place is like 5 blocks from home, and the salary is 2X what I'm currently making!

3 Responses to “job interviews”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    My fingers are crossed for you!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    WOW! Way to go! I actually have interviewed with the state department several times to work in the foreign service, maybe some day as that is my dream! I hope you do well. Where are you located?

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Oh, I DO hope this works have no idea just how GREAT it would be!!!

    I'm located in ES, debtfreeme....

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