Home > ...I don't think I'll do it

...I don't think I'll do it

September 6th, 2005 at 03:57 pm

the freelance teacher thing...they are paying $5/hour, offering only 2 hours/week ON SATURDAY and the classes are not at their main offices....I'd have to re-shuffle DD's activities on Saturday and find someone to take her there, spend about $3 of gas/week to get there (at current prices!, what happens when it goes up?) and pay 10% income tax on those $ I'd end up getting about $6/week...not worth the trouble...there are easier, faster ways to make $6/week! Frown

Well, I'll keep looking for other sources of income...and also of other ways to save...

the good news is, our enclosed neighborhood is finally being granted it's own little park, so that's a new place to go without spending $0.01 in gas (it's about 3 blocks from the house!!), enclosed in our neighborhood (i.e.: safe!!)....It's being inaugurated next Saturday, so I'll go check it out....maybe there'll be some benches or tables and space for a small pic-nic for DD and me and, hopefully, games for her... at no cost!! woo-hoo!!

The bad news is, gas increased by $0.82/gallon as of today!! I heard the rumors yesterday and went to fill up my car...the tank was halfway full, and it cost me $14 to fill it up!! (it used to be $12 when it was empty!!)...

The ugly news is: my sister's ex-husband is now claiming he has spent so much this year, he cannot afford to "help her" with my niece's tuition as he had promised...the guy is despicable!...he has no money for his daughter's school, yet he IS keeping his country club membership active - eventhough he's now going to live in the US, and will be using the facilities about 2 or 3 times a year, at most!...He's also keeping one of his cars here, to use when he comes to about having your priorities wrong!...but, as I told my sister, what could you expect?? sister had to pay $6,000 for medical bills from my niece's illness last year and all he did was say: Wow, the hospital sure charged you a lot!....AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGHHHHH!!!...

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