my sister decided to go to the private practice of the Chief of Neurology of the Social Security Institute...it cost her $30, but was really, really worth it! He took the time to explain all the exams, he put her back on treatment (which the chief epidemiologist at the SSI had discontinued!) and gave her referrals to the SSI for more tests...He will continue to see her at the SSI but, now she feels confident enough to call him any time she feels something's weird! (after all, now she's HIS patient)...so, things with her are going well...
Her ex decided he's not taking my niece with him to the US after all (she's got the papers, but he "hadn't realized what a hassle it would be to enroll her in school"...duh! did he think he was going to show up with her, say "here she is" and they'd assign her a desk in 10th grade??) But, he will only pay for her tuition here, not for her living expenses, so money will be a little tighter...
The apartment deal still hasn't gone through. We highly suspect the bank doesn't trust our buyer to be able to repay the loan....Fine! just say: "NO" and let's move on! We have given them (Bank and buyer) until the 15th...if we haven't received our money by then, the apt goes back on the market on the 16th! - my b-day, incidentally! ((sigh)) we'll see what happens!
Work has been crazy, all of last week I arrived home between 9:00 and 10:00pm! (and, remember I don't get paid overtime!)...so, my goal for this week is to leave here before 6:30 (I've been leaving at 6:15) no matter what! (the workload HAS decreased, I did finish updating a presentation and updating some manuals, and also inputting the data from the trainings' feedback forms! so that has left me again with only my "normal" administrative duties!)
I have called a friend of mine in the US and will try to go into business with her...we have done this before, while we were both living here, and I think I have a good idea that could be profitable for us both...we'll see...
Am having trouble again paying debts, mainly because I got 2 cc's to the point where they weren't in default anymore, and this awoke a 3rd cc that had been idle in their collections efforts for about 3 months, thereby giving me a respite...((sigh)) I'm fielding calls again...
This month, I have to renew my car registration card ($30) and my US visa ($115)...I think I will renew the visa after August vacation....
The car....well, I went through a whole week of carrying a gallon of water around and re-filling the radiator twice a day....and then, just like that, one day it didn't heat up anymore! - which is really good news, it just annoys me that I don't know what happened!
DD is still in therapy, now we are working on her sucking her middle and ring fingers...I think this will be the last month....She goes on vacation in 2 weeks and I'm thinking of NOT putting her back in therapy after her summer break...that's a savings of $60/month!
July 14th, 2005 at 04:55 pm