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I can do this!

June 3rd, 2005 at 09:37 pm

I am still waiting for the apartment to sell....and for my income-tax return...SO, in view of that, I have decided NOT to wait until Sept to take out a loan from the co-op, but re-finance the one I have right now (which I only have one more installment to pay, on June 15th, for $27), and ask for a new loan ($500)...with this, I will be able to bring 3 accts up to date (and, the total minimum payment on all 3 would be left at $250!)...barring any other "unexpected" expenses (car repairs, illness, etc), I should be able to bring other 2 accts up to date, and to start making payments on yet another again...not the best financial situation, but slightly better than being late with minimum payment for those 2 would be about $200...I'm slowly getting to the point where I will be able to make ALL miminum payments each month...not the best, but certainly better...(yes, this has become my mantra! even the smallest step forward is progress!!)...Once the apartment sells...well, that will be another story...depending on how much is left (after paying for small repairs to the apt and for the Real Estate broker's fee, and other such things, including a loan from my ex!), then I will 1st bring EVERYTHING up to date and then, see what can be paid off with what is left over and will just CLOSE the accounts!! never, ever, ever again will I be in such a financial hole! I have promised myself this!!...I have made "happy numbers" as my cousin calls it (meaning you are optimistic and use the best possible scenario) and I could be free of debt as soon as end of 2007...Of course, "unhappy numbers" carry those debts well over, to give myself hope, I will continue to think happy numbers and aim for 2007!!
I know I have probably posted about this before, probably even using the same numbers and same sing-song, so forgive me, but I hope this time is for real!

By the way: someone posted a message to me reminding me of airline safety: Put on your oxygen mask on first, else you won't be able to help others...I just want to say THANK was an epiphany!! made me see 400% more clearly!! THANKS!!...I'm following your advice! Instead of using that $$ for my sis, I'll use it for myself, to improve my financial situation...if she needs help down the road, I will be in better position to supply the eantime, since I'm doing the grocery shopping, I'm tightening our belts (I spent ~$40 this week - her money, it was supposed to be her turn to shop- instead of the ~$75 that she had budgeted!!...true, our pantry is not as stocked as we are used to, but it isn't empty by any standards!...we have what wee need, no surplus!!)

Wish me luck!

2 Responses to “I can do this!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I think you are on a good path, miclason. I know you love your family unconditionally, but I agree that you need to take care of yourself before you can really help others. And I know you can do it! Big Grin

  2. Anonymous Says:

    You're welcome. I had the same epiphany on an airplane two years ago. My mother was dying of breast cancer then and I could have written your journal entry. I couldn't help any, but I realized that I couldn't. My...economic defection... meant I probably wouldn't get any inheritance (yeah, weird...if there is inheritance money why bother bankrupting me?). It'll be an interesting milestone when I save more than what I expect from an inheritance. Its coming up next year.

    Good luck. In every life, the forecast is mixed - some clouds, some rain, some sun. Remember that every day you have no bad luck, you have good luck.

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