DD wants to learn to surf...that is her "lifelong" dream (she's 4!, but has expressed this desire ever since she was able to talk articulately)....she knows that swimming lessons are a pre-requisite and that, no, just having the right motions with your arms while standing on solid ground does not qualify her as a true swimmer!....I called in January, just to check how much the swimming lessons would be ...they are $15/month...not expensive, really, just not affordable right now (debt takes priority over 'elective classes' at this point...debt takes priority over most anything, except for food, shelter, health and school right now!)....she would need a swimsuit, a towel, goggles and a cap....she has the swimsuit and the towel (as she insists on pointing out!) and she found the goggles at a thrift store for $1.25/pair....no, we didn't buy them...I'd have to quote on the cap... and, finding a cap that is able to contain all that hair!! (lovely curly hair, at that!) would be difficult....((sigh)) maybe in a couple of months!!
DD's swimming lessons!
February 3rd, 2005 at 06:06 pm