Home > Ugh, why does this ALWAYS happen??

Ugh, why does this ALWAYS happen??

July 20th, 2006 at 11:06 pm

The answer, of course, is because I'm disorganized!!...the landlady just called...according to her, we are 1 month behind in rent...we just went over all my payments with my bank account vs her bank account and, sure enough, there's one month missing!...(this happens because my sis gets paid on the 25th and I get paid on the 15th and the 30th, so, rather than try to consolidate, I pay my half on the 15th and my sister's whenever she gives me her cheque - anywhere from the 29th to the 7th!), we looked at Jan through July...but, I discovered an additional payment (3 payments) in Dec, so I need to call her again and, I guess we need to make an appointment to sit down and look at it very carefully --because, until Dec, I WAS I really cannot remember if that 3rd payment is to bring things up to date or, since it was for Dec 29th, if it was already for half of Jan 2006... Frown
My sister, of course, relies on me to keep track!...
shucks, I guess I'll talk to her so she can take a look at HER account and see when she gave me her money and when I deposited it!'s $157.50 vs $315!! (in my book, I just paid her for the beginning of the month of July, with only my sister's part remaining...but, in her book, this past payment covered the end of June!!)...AAAARRRGHHH!...we need to agree on where we are, and then start keeping accounts all over again!

1 Responses to “Ugh, why does this ALWAYS happen??”

  1. LdyFaile Says:

    Crazy! My landlord only accepts one check but she agrees not to cash mine until the 5th because I get paid on the 5th and the 20th. I hold out money from my check on the 20th to use towards rent on the 5th of the next month and I use Quicken so I plug it in as a future payment and basically ignore the 'current balance' but use the balance that includes any future payments as a gage of where I am.

    Good luck sorting it all out!

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