Home > Ale is sick!

Ale is sick!

July 7th, 2009 at 09:52 pm

she crawled into my bed at 1am. (she NEVER does that unless she REALLY feels bad). I took her to the Dr's this morning. It's just a common cold.

I just have to say, I feel sooooo grateful that I was able to just TAKE HER to the doctor and not worry about how to pay for it (had cash!!) or for her medicines (cash, again!!)

So, this was money that was allocated to paying taxes (in August), so, now I have to find a way to earn more to "replace" it, or, work the budget for the next 3 months to adjust for it (less "fun" or "clothing" money, for example), but, nothing like taking money allocated for rent and/or utilities.

Come to think about it, I do have a (very small) emergency fund, about $300, and the whole trip (dr + meds) will be about $100 (I still have to get 1 medicine, which the pharmacy didn't have this morning)...

See? this is a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE change for me!!

I feel soooo grateful (yes, I know I already said it, but, I DO feel the need to repeat it!)

6 Responses to “Ale is sick!”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Get well, little Ale!

  2. princessperky Says:

    Glad you have the money to help, sorry she is sick Frown.

    Hope she feels better very soon!

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Hope she is feeling better! I hear you about the juggling! It is wonderful you have the money to switch around! Congrats!

  4. Analise Says:

    Hope Ale gets well very soon. When we were in Guatemala recently, I was surprised at how expensive medicine is. Is it the same in ES? It's great that you have your EF to cover this expense.

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I'm sorry to hear Ale is sick, but I'm glad you didn't have to worry about money on top of worrying about Ale.

    Get well soon Ale!

  6. miclason Says:

    Thanks, all. She´s feeling better, and, the fever has come down. Anelise, ES has one of the most expensive medicines in Central América (not sure if THE most expensive ones!) That´s another great thing about my job: I have medical insurance! so, yes, I have to spend it out of my pocket, but, then I get at least a partial reimbursement. (and, the part that does not get reimbursed, I can deduct from my taxes next year!)

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