Home > Mother's chicken pie

Mother's chicken pie

November 26th, 2008 at 05:53 pm

was to die for... sis was always a much bigger fan than I was (I was always a VERY picky eater!... )... over the past 4 years (since Mom passed away) we've had a couple good chicken pies... all bought...since I have the day off tomorrow (it being Thanksgiving in the US), and since we don't really celebrate it, but DO have a lot to be thankful for, I decided I will try to re-create the dish (re-create is the right did not, to our knowledge, leave a written recipe!)... Our logic is: it's not REALLY a celebration for us, so if I mess up, it'll only be a bad dish, not a ruined celebration!!

Over the past few years, I've done this a lot...attempt to recreate mother's dishes... I must say I've had a good rate of success (with dishes almost always being declared: "almost there"...and mom was such an amazing cook, you have no idea... she could go to a restaurant and try a new dish and then go back home and she could recreate the dish... such amazing tastebuds... her cousins HATED that... they didn't like sharing their recipes... and mom sooo loved to torture them, she'd invite them over and cook THEIR dishes, eventhough they hadn't given her the recipe!)
Anyway...wish me luck!

4 Responses to “Mother's chicken pie”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Good luck!!

  2. Myrtle Says:

    You are making my mouth water!! Be sure and share your success with us. What all will you put in it? I love to cook so I am always interested in good "comfort food" recipes.

  3. MICLASON Says:

    chicken, peas, carrots, onions, garlic, peppers.... some wine... I remember Mom saying it HAD to be Tio Pepe sherry ($$$, so, I need a substitute! LOL!)... Mom could make the flakiest crusts... I still have her metal rolling pin, which opens so you can stuff it with ice!!!... hmmmm... I've got to find out where Nanny stored it, though, haven't used it in a while...

  4. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Was just thinking as I made three big pies how I do not even need one of those ice water rolling pins 'cause my house is so darn cold already. Mine hangs on the kitchen wall on a wire hanger I made from a coat hanger.

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