Home > Inflation in ES reaches 9.9%

Inflation in ES reaches 9.9%

September 9th, 2008 at 08:24 pm

the rural "basic basket" has increased by 30%...ouch!
I think my family is doing fine because we have managed to maitain our grocery shopping at $80-$100/week...we could go lower if we were willing to eat only rice and beans...but, again...what about the people that were ALREADY eating just rice and beans?...What about the family of 6 that eats only 2x day, and that shares 4 eggs between all 6?...what are THEY going to do??
There was an article on the paper about this family, specifically, that there were 2 baby twins so malnourished they were taken by an org that takes in kids under 2 and "cures" them of malnourishment, then gives the kids back to the families...and how these twins had been out of the org for less a year and were already malnourished again! surprise, really!...and that the mother was afraid to bring them back to the org for fear of having the authorities take away the children...

3 Responses to “Inflation in ES reaches 9.9%”

  1. Analise Says:

    Inflation is hardest on the very poor as your example illustrates. How sad not to be able to properly nourish you children.

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yikes. Yes, that is very sad indeed. A good illustration of how something seemingly abstract have very real impact.

  3. miclason Says:

    The other day I met my schoolmates for lunch, and I thought how out of touch they are, because one of them was saying: the rich keep getting richer, and the poor are used to being poor, but we middle class suffer most of all...(and breakfast was about $7)...

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