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My cellphone is dying!

August 10th, 2008 at 04:58 pm

The battery is not charging right...or else it's discharging too's lasting less than 2 days...I miss my Nokia could "live" 5 days with one charge....back when I used about 200 minutes per month! (LOTS more than what I use now!)....

I asked at cellphone company #1 what their cheapest Nokia was, with a chip that wasn't sealed into the phone for prepaid plans.... they don't have any...Nokia phones are only sold with plans...nope, not going to happen...I will not sign up for 18 months ...

sis was silly enough to do that for niece and, guess what!...she dropped her water glass on top of the new cell phone 2 days after they got it!!!...Now she doesn't have a cellphone, and sis is still tied paying for 18 months!!!

So....I will go on line and find out which phones they DO have for prepaid plans, to see which one I like (as we say here, it has to have the 3 b's: bueno, bonito y barato - good, nice and cheap!)

I still have some time...

9 Responses to “My cellphone is dying!”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    Ebay is a good place to check for cell phones for your niece...but for you, I dont know.

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    I've been looking into cellphones too. has a Nokia model 1600 for $30 USD. The minutes are only $0.10 USD per minute.

    I know you're not in the US, but net10 is owned by America Movil (of Carlos Slim fame), so maybe there's something similar in your area?

  3. miclason Says:

    I think they are marketed as Claro here (they were the first ones to bring the BlackBerries, and now will be the first to bring the iPhone) ...but,I want to switch to Tigo, which has the best coverage (cell phone signal) in ES... (there are VERY few places where you lose signal, as opposed to the other companies!)...since Telemovil was the first ES cellphone company (they've since become Tigo), they have the most towers (they are ahead of the others by 10 years, after all!)...I don't know, there are other current one is a Sagem one, and it was really good...but operating it (recording numbers, for example) is not as easy as the Nokias were (also, all Nokias I know use the same operations, say, same keys to record numbers and such, so even if you get a different model, you don't have to re-learn how to use your phone!...I know how that sounds...I AM technologically challenged!) LOL!

  4. littlemama Says:

    Can't you just replace the battery fairly cheap?

  5. dmontngrey Says:

    I think my phone is dying as well. Frown I could get another one for free on my plan, but I really like this phone. I replaced the battery once last summer and now I'm back to 2 days of charge again. I got a new battery last week - same thing. Not sure how, but something in the phone is causing it to discharge too fast. I'll have to replace the phone soon I guess. Oh well, they don't last forever. I have been using it for 4 years!!

  6. Broken Arrow Says:

    Interesting! From what I've heard, America Movil has exclusive contract to provide the iPhone in Latin America. So it's likely that they're called Claro in your area. Thanks for sharing that tidbit!

  7. Amber Says:

    I don't blame you I would not sign up for another contract. But I would look into buying a new battery

  8. boomeyers Says:

    Good luck! They are so expensive!

  9. miclason Says:

    I have to check about the battery...The thing is that here, batteries can end up being more expensive (I can get a new phone for $5!...but, the chip is sealed to the phone, which is the part that I don't like!)

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