Home > Never overlook the obvious!

Never overlook the obvious!

April 3rd, 2008 at 10:48 pm

I have been going crazy trying to find information on El Salvador's productive activities...not that there is lack of information, there's A TON...but nothing my DD could grasp (she's 7!)...yesterday night, I decided to look in her book-case (yes, she has her own book-case!) and found an Atlas with a special section on ES (international editorial that customizes for each country in which they have operations) and a collection called Active Pre-school, whose last book is entitled: Let's get to know ES. Great! Info is short, but complete and definetely at 1st-grade comprehension level!...the Atlas even has a map with little pictures!...
so, today I downloaded a simple map of ES, and a few icons to replicate the map in the Atlas (to make it more kid friendly, and also to make HER copy the location of the crops/industries/etc on the map)

This is due next Wednesday, so we will probably work on it during the weekend (no, I'm not a torturer, I try to make homework as much 'a la Art Attack' as possible, she actually enjoys it!)

And, I don't even have to buy any special materials! Smile

1 Responses to “Never overlook the obvious!”

  1. JanH Says:

    Sounds like a fun project for you to work together on!

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