Home > $20 challenge for 2008?

$20 challenge for 2008?

December 3rd, 2007 at 06:29 pm

I'm wondering whether I should keep the translations as my $20 challenge next year or, if I should start considering that "recurrent income" and looking for something else to become the $20 challenge....

Truth is, with translations I've already covered most of my free time...and I honestly don't want to use the hours that I have actually left "blocked" as that is my "Time with Ale" ....

2 Responses to “$20 challenge for 2008?”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    In the past have your toy sales and school supply sales also been part of your $20 challenge? I missed how those began, but I have been impressed with the clever ways you have found to make money. I enjoy your blog.

  2. miclason Says:

    Thanks!, I never included the toys and school supply sales because I was already doing them when the $20 challenge began...

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