Home > Oh! so THAT's what happened! LOL!

Oh! so THAT's what happened! LOL!

August 28th, 2007 at 08:35 pm

I withdrew $40 from my account today and, nearly had a heart attack when I saw the balance: $91...I thought I was supposed to have ~$130 (DUH-H! yep, I HAD $131...minus the $40 withdrawal!!!) the thing is, in reality I still have $121...but, sis isn't giving me her share of the household expenses until the 30th (when she gets paid) and, rather than wait for that, I'm giving nanny her $40 for the week, so when sis gives me the money, I get my $40 back!
I feel so dumb!

1 Responses to “Oh! so THAT's what happened! LOL!”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I know that panicky feeling! You draw a big breath involuntarily and, if you are like me, your eyes bug out and your voice gets high as you nearly scream, "What?! What?! What?!"

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