Home > If you're lazy or petty...

If you're lazy or petty...

August 27th, 2007 at 06:09 pm

you'll have to walk twice, my grandmother used to say (El haragan y el mezquino andan dos veces el camino)...well, I keep walking! LOL!...I was about 2/3 done with the first sleeve on Ale's sweater, and she wanted to see if it was long enough and...uh-oh, turned out it was too narrow!...since I had determined that knitting the size 10 instructions for the body would be enough to make a size 8 sweater (due to the yarn being thinner), I used that same logic for the sleeves...well, not really! when I saw that her hand would have trouble going through, I measured the sleeve (which I should have done as soon as I had knitted 2-4 rows, but was too lazy to do!) and saw that I needed 10 more stitches! ouch! I had to undo everything...I'm 1/2 way through think I could have been working on the 2nd sleeve already!!! ((bumps head against the wall!))

1 Responses to “If you're lazy or petty...”

  1. pearlieq Says:

    Grandma is always right, isn't she!

    I hope the sweater turns out--I'm impressed at anyone that can make one.

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